Today I have been totally feeding off this song. It is just a simple recording of a song from Carlos Whittaker. I read his blog everyday. He is a worship leader for Buckhead Church in the heart of Atlanta. This song has been my prayer all day. This is definately a song that we will be playing at revolution. As a musician and worship leader it is so easy just to look all the time for new songs so you can provide some "New" music to the church. However, the problem, i know at least with me, is that I become a song "Consumer" and "Critic" insted of allowing music to bring me into a place where worship "Consumes" me and God speaks into my life. We are not called to bring "NEW" music. We are called to take the church "DEEPER" in worship than they have ever been before. This song definately is my prayer!
You can download the chords/lyrics and mp3 here.