Series: "3D"
Key Thought: God desires for us to have deep faith. Deep faith is developed through making Daily Decisions to be Devoted to God.
Understandable Message: This week we introduced the "3D" through our different environments (Middle School, High School, College) after being together for worship in the Student Chapel. The key text for our teachers was taken from Exodus 16. God chose to feed Israel in the wilderness through daily manna. God chooses to feed us spiritually through our daily disciplines of prayer and reading the Bible. We also focused on the reality that today matters. If we are going to develop deep faith then we must begin with today. We too often over-exaggerate yesterday, over-estimate tomorrow, and under-estimate today. We challenged students to commit to read their Bible everyday during the summer through committing to our "3D Luke/Acts Challenge." We had bookmarks for everyone that listed the scriptures we are reading together this summer. My life changed completely when I started reading the Bible daily. I am excited to see what is going to happen through this challenge!
Creative Elements: Since this was the kickoff of "3D" we went all out with the theme. We had 3D glasses for all the students when they came in. All of our handouts were in 3D. All of our pre-service announcements were in 3D. Also, we opened up service with a highlight video from last week's youth service that was in 3D. We also built a large replica of our "3D" logo that was on the platform.
Songs: Take it All, From the Inside Out, Tear Down the Walls
Next Week: Week 2 of "3D"